Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Laws of Performance

How do we improve our performance in work and in life?  This question is at the backbone of a billion dollar industry.  We desperately want the answer to his question.  There are people in our lives that we think, "have it figured out", and we want what they have.  In Dave Logan's and Steve Zaffron's book, The Three Laws of Performance, I think they have found one of the keys to the treasure chest:

First Law of Performance:
How people perform correlates to how a situation occurs to them.

Second Law of Performance
How a situation occurs arises in language 

Third Law of Performance
Future-baed language transforms how a situation occurs to people 

Just reading those will not necessarily make sense to you, and there is enough there with just those three statements to teach a three day course.  I hope it sparks some interest in learning about these concepts and becoming aware to how we see things around us, the language we choose to use and the actions we take from that language can make a huge impact on our performance.  I highly suggest reading their book and see if it makes an impact on your performance at work and at home.

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